Our entire practice is based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) – the scientific process of evaluating environments to produce positive improvements in behavior. We approach every scenario with fresh eyes. We listen, we learn, and we create personalized plans tailored to the needs of the individual. We invite you to explore the individualized programs below.
Our integrative service model combines various modalities to treat a wide-range of mental health concerns and disorders (see services below).
KC Behavioral Consulting works with the Washington State DDA (Developmental Disabilities Administration) because they are helping to transform lives by providing support and fostering partnerships that empower people to live the lives they want. Their 2023-2025 DDA Strategic Plan describes their work and expected outcomes to accomplish that mission. We specifically work with two DDA services, Staff & Family Consultation and Specialized Habilitation.
STAFF AND FAMILY CONSULTATION provides assistance to your family and to providers. Staff and Family Consults can help support the individual, get their needs met and increase their independence and inclusion in their community. After your case resource manager authorizes services, we will contact you to set up a meeting. With your input, we will complete a plan that describes what you will work on together. This report will be created within the first 30 days and then updated and completed every 90 days after that. Staff and Family Consultation is available to participants enrolled on any of the five DDA waivers, the Roads to Community Living grant, or the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review program (PASRR). Learn more about services Staff and Family Consultation. Click here
SPECIALIZED HABILITATION helps individuals create healthy relationships, adapt to challenges, and improve overall quality-of-life. After the case resource manager authorizes services, we will contact you to set up a schedule. With your input, we must complete a plan within the first 30 days. Also with your input, we must complete a progress report every 90 days. These documents help DDA ensure your needs are being met, and the service is being provided the way it is intended. Specialized habilitation services are available to participants enrolled in the Individual and Family Services waiver, Basic Plus waiver, Children’s Intensive In-Home Behavioral Supports waiver, Core waiver, the Roads to Community Living grant, and/or the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR). Specialized habilitation is not available to those receiving residential habilitation services. Learn more about Specialized Habilitation. Learn more
ABA parent training is an important factor in improving treatment outcomes. Behavior analysts have a robust toolbox of skills and knowledge that help them promote skill acquisition and affect behavior change. Parents and caregivers, however, have one incredibly important tool not as readily available to a BCBA… time. A learner’s parents have easy access to early morning mayhem, mid-day meltdowns, and bedtime blowouts in an organic way that isn’t always easy, or even possible, to replicate for professional service providers. Parents also cannot clock out! Because of the tools each party can bring to the table, a collaborative relationship between the behavior analyst and a learner’s parents can significantly improve treatment outcomes, particularly in areas that will lead to socially significant improvements in home and family life.
ABA parent training has been shown to reduce parent stress, improve family interactions, and improve child treatment outcomes (Lesack et al., 2014; Masse, et al., 2016). Many funding sources, including major insurance coverage providers, make parent training a mandatory part of an applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment plan. Further, parent training may be the only option of getting ‘services’ for some families due to lack of providers in the area or living in rural areas. As such, quality parent training that can be delivered remotely, when it is not feasible to provide in-person direct services, is critical.
We work one-on-one with each client on individualized goals with a focus on increasing independence. Our model is tailored to enhance each client's personal autonomy, while recognizing that independence varies uniquely for everyone.
Parent participation is essential and is a required part of this program. We will meet with you regularly to provide parent training on topics that are important to you and your child’s programming.
KC Behavioral Consulting offers community-based services in client homes, daycare settings or other appropriate settings. These services are based on location and individual need of the client. In any of these settings, a responsible adult must be present for the entirety of the therapy session and a Home Safety Checklist must be completed for the safety of all involved.
We work closely with families to ensure clients are in the most therapeutic environment for services to be successful.
We have extensive experience working with a wide array of children and families, as well as with school teams and other community agencies. We love to collaborate and provide assistance in any way possible. Several items we offer in a consultative manner are: Functional Behavior Assessments, Training for Teachers and other service providers and Educational recommendations/IEP development.
From the word of Greg Hanley, “Severe problem behavior is not inevitable for children or adolescents with autism or with an intellectual disability, but the probability of a repertoire of problem behavior developing is much higher for these children and adolescents. When severe problem behavior becomes routine, highly restrictive and sometimes joyless lifestyles develop for families.” Our team is trained in Skilled Based Treatment for Severe Problem Behaviors. We are the only Level 5 credentialed provider in Eastern Washington.
Our training services are available to any professional (e.g., BCBA, pediatrician, psychologist, teacher, speech pathologist, occupational therapist) with behavioral or procedural concerns related to clients in their care. The concerns may involve, but are not limited to, the practical functional assessment or skill-based treatment of severe problem behavior, sleep interventions, food selectivity interventions, toilet training, staff and parent training, and prevention measures.
Please get in touch for more information for any needs you may have.