DDA services

KC Behavioral Consulting works with the Washington State DDA (Developmental Disabilities Administration) because they are helping to transform lives by providing support and fostering partnerships that empower people to live the lives they want. Their 2023-2025 DDA Strategic Plan describes their work and expected outcomes to accomplish that mission. We specifically work with four DDA services: Staff & Family Consultation, Life Skills (Specialized Habilitation), Stabilization, and CPIS.

STAFF AND FAMILY CONSULTATION provides assistance to your family and to providers. Staff and Family Consults can help support the individual, get their needs met and increase their independence and inclusion in their community. After your case resource manager authorizes services, we will contact you to set up a meeting. With your input, we will complete a plan that describes what you will work on together. This report will be created within the first 30 days and then updated and completed every 90 days after that. Staff and Family Consultation is available to participants enrolled on any of the five DDA waivers, the Roads to Community Living grant, or the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review program (PASRR). Learn more about services Staff and Family Consultation. Click here

LIFE SKILLS, previously known as Specialized Habilitation, helps individuals create healthy relationships, adapt to challenges, and improve overall quality-of-life. After the case resource manager authorizes services, we will contact you to set up a schedule. With your input, we must complete a plan within the first 30 days. Also with your input, we must complete a progress report every 90 days. These documents help DDA ensure your needs are being met, and the service is being provided the way it is intended. Specialized habilitation services are available to participants enrolled in the Individual and Family Services waiver, Basic Plus waiver, Children’s Intensive In-Home Behavioral Supports waiver, Core waiver, the Roads to Community Living grant, and/or the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR). Specialized habilitation is not available to those receiving residential habilitation services. Learn more about Specialized Habilitation. Learn more

STABILIZATION SERVICES provide short term (90 days or less) services and supports for DDA eligible individual, both children and adults, who are experiencing behavioral health concerns, which put them at risk of losing their current placement and/or hospitalization or institutionalization. Stabilization can be provided directly to the individual through Specialized Habilitation and/or to the family and staff of the individual through Staff & Family Consultation.

CRISIS, PREVENTION, INTERVENTION, AND STABILIZATION (CPIS) are intended to provide a short-term, episodic alternative to and prevention of psychiatric hospitalization. CPIS is available to individuals of all ages who are not currently waiver eligible (e.g., hospitalization, incarceration, new to DDA services and awaiting assessment).